
Conversion of an office building

The project consist in the conversion of an office building into 48 flats and one office unit.

The aim is to take advantage of the existing situation, a building from the 1980s that stands out for its open plan, post-and-beam concrete structure and prefabricated façade that can be completely dismantled. The planned renovation’s ambition is axed around deconstruction, circularity and carbon neutrality, by maintaining existing structures and the use of dry processes as main technique. The dismantled façade elements will be reused to clad the ground floor façade and for landscaping.

The architectural expression of the programmatic evolution to the site is manifested by redefinition of the language of the façade, by the introduction of large glazed areas and horizontal terraces. These terraces extend over the three façades, with varying depths, creating a fractal effect that responds to the exceptional views and orientations offered by the Val Duchesse domain. Furthermore, they provide to each dwellings a generous outdoor space but also shading to those bellow. Last but not least, the terraces strengthen the relationship with the street, while creating a set-back offering privacy.

  • LocationBoulevard du Souverain 360, Auderghem, Belgique
  • ClientBesixRED
  • Timing2022 - On going
  • StatusUnder construction
  • TypologyHousing
  • CollaboratorsStructural Engineer: TPF ENGINEERING / Technical Engineer : Lemaire IngĂ©nieurs / Acoustical Engineer : venac
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